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A Visual Platform for Conversations is a visual platform for conversations.

It’s your space to explore the languages of your team, from the individual to the collective.

What if conversations had no domain, specialization, or barriers? Catallax enables a seamless experience to collaborate, understand, and exchange knowledge in our increasingly complex and interdisciplinary world.

With Catallaxy, you can:

  • Track how ideas evolve and expressions emerge in your organization

  • Model domain knowledge and semantic biases

  • Ground conversations through real-time interactive experiences

  • Explore conversations through mapping, clustering, and analysis

  • Discover knowledge redundancies or gaps within an organization




Transforming collaboration

CollaboratIVE Platform

At the heart of Catallaxy is a refined experience to foster collaboration. Simple, stripped-down, and supportive, the platform is dedicated to human interaction and how it leads to solutions.

Common Grounding

The system carves out cognitive paths for collaborators to build conversations on.

Knowledge Base

Catallax builds and manages a teams knowledge base automatically through the day-to-day conversations of collaborators.


Ambiguity is good when dealing with complex problems. But Catallax makes you aware of when you are speaking ambiguously, and provides other thinkers a metaphor in their own domain.

Augmented Conversations

Conversations don’t have to be limited by time, background, or speciality. Catallax augments dialogue through real-time feedback of semantic biases, visual metaphors, and cognitive paths.


Don’t let ideas fade away. Catallaxy identifies nascent ideas that emerge in conversation, and enables their evolution throughout the organization.


Over the past centuries, several forces have tended to suppress our consciousness of the rhetorical, communicative and symbolic character of scientific knowledge - thereby suppressing awareness of the role of language in the production of knowledge.
— Charles Bazerman


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